Going Green

My approach has been "one step at the time". I knew I couldn't make major changes overnight. I have been taking baby steps, but even baby steps made a huge difference sooner than I thought. Every time I went to a home improvement store over the last few months, I bought fluorescent light bulbs. I have replaced all light bulbs, 3 at the time. I now buy concentrated cleaning products and try to find everything as natural and biodegradable as possible. I look for locally grown and organic produce. I am eating more meatless meals a week. I take my own tote bags to the grocery store. And the usual, recycling everything I can. I still have a long way to go but I feel that I am on the right path.
Leticia, concordo com você. Há tempos venho tentando também melhorar as coisas em casa, já é alguma coisa, não? Tenho que levar minha tote bag às compras, sempre esqueço...
Adorei essas forminhas!
Um abraço!
Good for you!! You are doing more than most people.
Oi Verena,
Eu coloquei as minhas bolsas no carro, assim nao esqueco quando vou ao supermercado. Mas eu tenho que ser mais disciplinada e comecar a levar tambem pra outras lojas onde eles so usam bolsa de plastico.
Obrigada, o muffin fica ate mais gostoso na forminha natural de papel reciclado sem bleach :o)
Abraco, Leticia
Thanks Monika!
I still have a long way to go but I feel that I am contributing somehow. Even the smallest change can make a huge difference. Here is what the website energystar.gov says:
"If every American home replaced just one light bulb with an ENERGY STAR, we would save enough energy to light more than 2.5 million homes for a year and prevent greenhouse gases equivalent to the emissions of nearly 800,000 cars."
Isn't it powerful? It's definitely in our hands.
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