Thursday, January 18, 2007

Dieting, Dieting, Dieting…

Can somebody explain why I can easily put on 2 lbs in a weekend but it takes me forever to lose the same 2 lbs?! Hubby and I have been dieting since January 02nd. We are on a special program where we have food delivered to us. It’s tasteful, fresh, and nutritious. I figured the pounds would melt away in a month. Wrong! My husband is losing on a much faster pace than I am and he’s eating more. How can that be? I lost a mere 3 lbs in 15 days. Oh well, better than nothing at all. My poor husband gained “sympathy” weight during my pregnancy and we are trying to shed some pounds before we go on vacation in March. I got a pedometer this week. I know I am very active during the day and I am trying to achieve my walking goal of 10,000 steps a day. I walk to and from the subway station to my car and in the building where I work. Today is my first pedometer day (actually the second, the first day I removed the battery trying to open the pedometer and zeroed it before I could read the stats!). I would love to join a gym right now but I just can’t find the time to exercise. For now, I am eating healthy and staying active. If I can achieve my 10,000 steps a day I will try to introduce some Power Yoga and Pilates from DVDs I purchased. I am setting mini-goals to avoid getting overwhelmed by something unattainable. We’ll see what happens. Wish me luck!


At 1:39 PM, Blogger Fer Guimaraes Rosa said...

Eu nao preciso de dieta, so preciso ter exercicio regular pra nao ficar me sentindo um saco de batatas inerte. Mas eu tenho uma pregui.... que vou te contar! Eu nadei por muitos anos, parei em setembro e nao consigo voltar. As piscinas aqui sao outdoors, e no inverno eh dureza... Tambem caminhei por anos, moro ao lado de um arboretum, com pedometro e tal. Eu preciso de um antidoto pra moleza.. :-))) Boa sorte nos seus goals, Leticia! :-)


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