"Food is our common ground, a universal experience." - James Beard
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
The Petit Apetite Cookbook
I just received a box from Amazon. I love to get home and find a box on my doorstep waiting to be opened! I ordered some DVDs, books, and a cookbook for my little man. I haven't had much time to cook his meals myself and he's eating a lot more Gerber food than I would like but I am hoping to change things around. As he gets older -he just turned 7 months old - he is starting to expand his horizons. He has had lots of fruits, vegetables, and just started on poultry. So far so good. He loves everything. It's hard to keep him away from our food. He opens his mouth when he sees a spoon, even when I am having food. The PetitApetite Cookbook offers a healthy approach to baby food prepared with organic and fresh ingredients. I am really excited to begin making wholesome food for my little one.
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