"Food is our common ground, a universal experience." - James Beard
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Little Gadgets for my Little One
When I took my little man to his pediatrician appointment last month and the doctor told me he was ready for solid foods I almost fell off the chair. It took me by surprise because it would be a whole new ballgame. I would have to go from just mixing formula and water to having a menu of fruits and vegetables for each week and dos and don’ts for baby food making. The doctor gave me the basic guidelines but I did a lot of research on the web – how did people raise children before the Internet? Anyway, I found tons of good advice and learned a lot, especially from http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com. We started with Baby Rice Cereal, Oatmeal, and Barley as the doctor recommended and then moved on to fruits and vegetables.
His first fruit was store-bought Gerber Organic Banana. He made funny faces and didn’t like much. Then I started making my own baby food with organic fruits and veggies. He loved them. He gobbled it all up. I was thrilled that he loved fresh foods better than store-bought baby food. I proudly went to the store and bought a Mini Cuisinart Food Processor and a steamer exclusively for baby food. He still eats Gerber Organics at daycare or when we are out and about. But I am making an effort to give him the foundation of healthy eating at an early age. I can’t wait until he’s old enough to cook with me!
Leticia! Parabens pela sabia e acertada decisao de alimentar seu filhotinho com organicos e feitos com carinho por voce mesma. Tenho ojeriza de comida de bebe de potinho. Ninguem tem tempo, mas cozinhar uns legumezinhos para o seu bebe nao toma tempo nenhum e ainda voce esta dando um alimentacao super nutritiva e saudavel - realmente a base de tudo! :-) beijos,
Concordo plenamente! Nao vejo a hora dele estar maior pra comecar a cozinhar comigo e ir a pick-your-own farms pra colher frutas e legumes fresquinhos.
Leticia! Parabens pela sabia e acertada decisao de alimentar seu filhotinho com organicos e feitos com carinho por voce mesma. Tenho ojeriza de comida de bebe de potinho. Ninguem tem tempo, mas cozinhar uns legumezinhos para o seu bebe nao toma tempo nenhum e ainda voce esta dando um alimentacao super nutritiva e saudavel - realmente a base de tudo! :-) beijos,
Oi Fer,
Concordo plenamente! Nao vejo a hora dele estar maior pra comecar a cozinhar comigo e ir a pick-your-own farms pra colher frutas e legumes fresquinhos.
Beijos, Leticia
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